Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I wish a boy would bring me tulips. A bouquet of pretty bright tulips ... and a beer. With a kiss.

I would like a rainy day, a boy, empty beer bottles, and a makeout session.

I've done it again. My usual routine of staying up way to late pumping music at an obscenely loud level into my headphones.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Baseball season is here!!

Pat Burrell is so hot. Sometimes I don't even know how to handle his hotness. He looks like a fireman. I want him to rescue me from a burning building. ... and then marry me...

I'm sad the Dodgers are gonna possibly win this series. Gross. GO GIANTS!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Temporarily lost.

I feel like the last two years have been a blur. What the hell have I been doing? I'm not anywhere near where I want to be. I don't know why I let my determination and drive slip out from beneath me. I of course have the time to still do everything I want, but I just feel so behind now. I feel like I fell asleep and became someone else. I don't know how I got here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My stupid to do list.

I have too many things to do.

So I'm moving back to California. Financial hardships have made my dreams a bit more challenging to come true. How come they don't tell you THAT in high school? Either way, I am dealing with it, attacking it head on, and punching it the fuck out so I can move right along with my life. This move will be very beneficial. However, in order for it to happen, I need to get a ton o' shit done.

Some of this shit includes:

*Giving my two weeks notice. THAT will be awesome. Right now I'm doing cold calls at work, and it is flipping MISERABLE.

*Packing all of my crap up into boxes and shipping it home. Hopefully this will be under $100.

*Finding out a way to ship my beautiful bed across the country for under 300 dollars. Oh what's that? You're laughing at the naive one? Hm, shush.

*Cleaning ... everything, ugh ew.

*Having enough money to do all of this. Meaning I really can't go spend a ton of money. (I am getting my god damn vanilla frapuccino though. YOU CAN"T STOP ME!)

*Apply for a shit ton of jobs, but ones that I actually want to have. Which means a lot of focus, a lot of editing my cover letter, and a lot of bullshit basically.

*Begin my grad school applications to please my parents, and ultimately myself. I do want to go to graduate school, I'm just overwhelmed with everything right now, and I just would like a little mental break plz. ... PLZ?!

I know this may not seem like a lot. However, I only have two weeks, I have absolutely ZERO motivation to get any of this done as well. I would so rather be shoving food down my face, and watching as much random TV as I can find, renting movies, buying chai lattes, hanging out with my ex all the time because we're friends again, doing absolutely NOTHING on Facebook, and staring off into the snowy distance, than be checking things off of my list. Oh wait. ... I've been doing all of that. ... ... UGH I NEED TO GET SHIT DONE. I know, just do it, you'll feel better once it's done, you'll have to do it anyway so don't wait until the last minute. Blabbity blah blahhhh. I just need to whine and bitch about it first.

But hey, I did get a big chunk done today. I cleaned out my closet, sorted through the things I want to ship back, AND did the whole eat and watch a movie thing too. GO ME!

I can't wait until I have a life again. Oye.

What a life!! Lucky bastard. Now I'm gonna go get that Frappuccino.

I just watched Easy A...

...and I have definitely developed a geeky lady crush on Emma Stone. *sigh* I kinda want to be best friends with her? I feel like girls who make statements like that never get to be friends with Emma Stone. Maybe I should pretend that I have no idea who she is, so then we can become awesome besties, and be extremely awesomely funny people? Why am I questioning such a brilliant plan?! Okay so I changed my mind, no lady crush on Emma Stone, Emma who? Hmmm... this will work... yup.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's on my mind?

All super life changing thoughts. I mean honestly, I am pretty important. =P




Hot cocoa



How shitty my job is

The future

Loving life

Being determined

Being a career woman





It's kind of sad that I've been working on this thing all day. Work has been... lackluster to say the least.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dreams of a chic girly apartment...

Keep swirling in my mind. I am counting down the days until this can happen in my life. Pretttttyyyyy so many pretttyyyyssss!

Courtesy of poptart



Me wannntsss eet. MY PREEEECIIOUUUUUSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!